
Established in 2020

CLRC is a new Church – Ministry in the birthing stages:
During Covid, Pastor LeaAnn began to travel back to Alabama. Her first meeting was in July 2020, and it continued month to month and has began weekly meetings now with «Teaching Tuesday» Word of Encouragement. Through the apostolic calling on Pastor LeaAnn, there are many being raised up and commissioned into their callings. Weekly Gatherings, & Monthly Revival gatherings, there are hundreds watching as the word of God goes forth on Media outlets, FB Calabama Revival page. Radio & TV .

These Apostolic Revival gatherings have been consistent for over 2 years. Praising God for souls, that have been saved, healed, delivered and restored by the preaching of the word of God!

Pastor LeaAnn Pendergrass was born in Fort Payne, and surrendered her life in 1992, and was baptized in the Holy Spirit. 
She moved away in 1992 with a calling on her life for ministry that took her to full time ministry in California.
July 2020, Pastor LeaAnn, let by God flew back to her hometown Fort Payne and begin monthly meetings which now it’s called Calabama Lebanon Revival Center. 
These monthly meetings are impactive, life-changing, souls are being saved! Praise God! People are being filled with the Holy Spirit, and being healed by the power of God.  
Isaiah 61 & Luke 4:18 
Isaiah 35:1-6 
CLRC has a very anointed leadership team! They meet weekly on Tuesdays call Teaching Tuesday, at 12 to 12:30 come receive a fresh word from God and receive prayer!

Pastor LeaAnn Pendergrass


Calabama is based upon team ministry. Unity as Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would all be one, as He and the Father were one.

God has blessed us with an anointed leadership. An in gathering, so we can go out empowered to live the Christian life and fulfill the Great Commission as in Mark 16:15, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature".


The vision for CLRC goes beyond the 4 walls of the Church, we are praying for a Pastors' retreat center and place to have Bible Studies, and continual prayer for many to come from all over and receive a refreshing from our Lord.

CLRC is called with a mission of Evangelism to our community and the world. Jesus said in Matthew 24:14, "this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all the nations; and the end shall come"

CLRC Scriptures